
Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

Some of you might remember us talking about the prayer house headed up by our church, here in Cheonan. You can refresh your memory, here and here.

A few years ago, I read and was deeply impacted by the book, Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig. It’s part-memoir, part-confession, part-theology, and part-action thriller, all packed into an amazing book. I highly recommend reading it. Feel free to check it out at their website. I mention this book because we were blessed to team up with the same organization during our week of prayer. Recently, I was given a great opportunity to write about how we mapped out the space, and why we chose to do it like we did. It was an awesome chance to share the beautiful things God did through our room, and how we expressed ourselves during a sacred time and in a sacred space. I hope you swing by to check out 24-7prayer’s website. It has some great resources and tools for those curious about possibly doing one of these rooms in their own church.


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The first new years reflection post. I am working on at least 2 more reflection and anticipation posts, and will post them soon. Until then, I have written about the best book read in 2010.

Have a blessed new year!


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Swear Words

I was finishing up my class this evening when one of my students, Alicia (that’s her chosen English name) suddenly gasped.  She said, “Teacher, those boys out in the hall are saying very, very bad words!!”

I haven’t learned to swear in Korean, though, after today I probably should learn the key words in order to truly know the naughty words kids are using inside and outside my classroom.

Well, I had Alicia write the offensive words down so I could give them to my boss and have her handle it. To make a long story short, it was decided that since I didn’t know the specific boys who used the language, and since they didn’t use it inside the classroom, we would let it go this time.

I kept the paper…as a matter of fact, it is right next to the keyboard of our laptop as I write this blog.

As I look at these words, I realize that the bad part of swearing isn’t the actual words  themselves. I mean, you will find the “A” word in many translations of the Bible! (talking about a donkey…obviously) But this brings me around to my point.

Is the sin in the word, or in the use of that word? Looking at this paper has me thinking. I tried to sound them out while sitting on my couch, and after I said them, I didnt feel dirty. I don’t feel checked in my soul for having committed a great wrong but clumsily uttering a few noises.

When I treat another with contempt or with disrespect. When I degrade the humanity in another with my words, traditional swear word or not, I think that is the true sin. This is what Jesus is referring to when he says in Matthew 5:22…

“But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.” –

I am reading the book The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. He explains this verse like this:

To brand someone a “fool” in this biblical sense was a violation of the soul so devistating, of such great harm, that, as Jesus saw, it would justify consigning the offender to the smoldering garbage dump of human existence, gehenna. It combines all that is evil in anger as well as contempt. It is not possible for people with such attitudes towards others to live in the movements of God’s kingdom, for they are totally out of harmony with it.  -Pg 154

I am not trying to make a point of the innocence of any traditional English curse words, rather, as I look at this paper, I am reminded that there are more dangerous and vile sins in my heart and on my tongue than the “F” word, “D” word or any other word…after all, they are only letters arranged together to form a sound. It is heart that will make them poisonous or will render them harmless.

Just an encouragement to all of you out there. There are two types of people in the world: Artists and Arsonists. This week be an artist and use your words to create a masterpiece in another persons life!


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Endless Joy

So, I know you all are very curious. You sit asking yourself, “self, what is something that makes Michael’s day exceptional.” Well, ponder no more! I’ll tell you!

Today I finished a book. Yes. That is the source of such joy. Reading that final sentence, closing the book, placing it back on the shelf and noticing the creases on the spine of the book gives me endless joy. It’s addicting. Maybe I could say that books are my cocaine?

No, that’s not appropriate.

Well, for all of you out there that want a fix (make the jokes stop!!) allow me to recommend a fantastic book!

This was written by a Benedictine monk and a lady who spent her life studying St. Benedict and his belief on hospitality, generosity and love. I promise you this book will not disappoint.

Have a blessed day.


PS. I just had a realization. Elizabeth and I will be getting up to watch Korea play Nigeria at 3:30 am and it is not as easy as it was in college…

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